The Author


About The Author


Amelie Roth was born in Germany in 1972. After living
there until the age of 25, she was accidentally thrown into
a career in tourism, where she has been making her way
up until today. She has been living in Florida for the past
ten years with her husband and two children. In 2021, a
very rare illness hit her, and she ended up in an induced
coma for 16 days. In this book, she relates her experience
while “being under,” fighting the infection.

Book Name

Staking the Claim

Being asleep for 2 weeks straight? What a blast! But coma is nothing like that, besides the general belief even among many
medical professionals. During an induced coma many patients experience anything from beauty to terror to the worst nightmares. It was no different for Amelie when she was admitted to hospital due to a what seemed simple bacterial infection and ended up in a 16-day induced coma which nearly ended her life. In this book she relates her experience and how the brain likes to play tricks on us.


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amazon customer Reviews


I got today this amazing book: inmersice alarming experience. Perfectly crafted. Moving, soul-shaking... well... a needed reading to remind us lots of things we give for granted as Life itself.
Two time line narratives gives the reader some refreshing moments to catch some air and then dive deep into Susanne's Experience in her own words. She takes us through her journey of sudden despair, thrilling, amazing, at times suffocating moments as we dive deep into her first days in a hospital as her mysterious symptoms worsen.
But once you start this path you can just stop not until you walk out that hospital holding her hand 'cause damn! she does makes us live every moment in a mastered narrative.
A mixture of wake-up call and strong proof of what a strong soul can achieve, this Book is a must read for our daily exhausted minds. A wake-up call to remember to take care of our bodies, "our temples" and treasure everu second beacuse life is as someone once said: To live is to expect the unexpected... When you close this book you will keep a part of it with you wherever you go. Thanks Susanne for sharing your experience and be a Strong Woman.
Amazing Chilling Wake-up Call Book
In this book the author writes about her personal experience during a 16 days induced coma. She describes the delirium in which she was caught in and the terror she felt thinking she was in a lab and going to be transformed into a nonhuman creature.
But this is also a biographical book, where Susanne describes and reveals very intimate and personal life experiences. This helps the reader to get to know Susanne a bit better and to create a context around her whole coma induced experience.
This book is about love, strength, patience and above all (from my point of view) about hope. I really hope that this story has an impact and reaches the medical community and provokes a change in the protocols used in the ICU departments.
The word needs to be spread out about this story. The more people know about it, the higher the chances that it has an influence on the medical community. You never know if maybe one day you will be the patient in ICU under an induced coma. Thank you Susanne for being so brave in writing about your story.
Excellent book. I read it in one day, inspirational, emotional, excellent flashbacks. I love it. I hope it is an inspiration to many.
Kindle Customer
A must read. Almost as exciting as hearing the story right of of the writer's mouth.
Ricardo Valdes del Valle
What happens when you're in an induced coma? Awareness while reality distorted.